Music Spotlight

"Group 1 Crew"

Group 1 Crew is my newest obsession. The songs are catchy, happy and up-beat. I usually don't like hip-hop, but these guys rap for God, so I just gotta love it. I like how the girl and the guy go back and forth. Go check em out! You'll have "I Have A Dream" stuck in your head, but it's worth it.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Height of the Summer!

Hello everyone! How goes it? 
After reading the post on Julie Kirk's (on  ) I finally figured out what the next post should be about! Height of the Summer is a chance to finally figure out who's tallest out of all our internet friends. Come on and join us!

 This is a picture from the 2012 Homeschool Graduation. I think all my friends had more fun waiting for our ride to come pick us up then the actual ceremony... Next thing I know, Ravenly has jumped on the lightpole and posed for a picture. While I hated being up there, I'm glad I got a good picture.

At 5'5-5'6, I'm used to being the "Tall One" out of my friends. Not when I hang with Ravenly and Aura! They're BOTH three inches taller than I am. It's always funny when I become the short one.