Music Spotlight

"Group 1 Crew"

Group 1 Crew is my newest obsession. The songs are catchy, happy and up-beat. I usually don't like hip-hop, but these guys rap for God, so I just gotta love it. I like how the girl and the guy go back and forth. Go check em out! You'll have "I Have A Dream" stuck in your head, but it's worth it.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Introductions Are Overrated

One wrong word, and I'm dead.
It's true, you know. The Internet is a scary place, filled with hungry trolls and ruthless piranhas, just waiting to tear the unsuspecting apart and eat them for breakfast. Care for another truth?
I'm not scared.
I'm really only scared of frogs and clowns, so unless a troll wearing a frog costume with clown makeup, I won't stop doing what I'm doing.

Now what am I doing?
I'm practicing, dear. 
I want to practice my writing. I want to practice my entertainment skills. I want to make you cry, to make you laugh, to make you so scared you'll be falling asleep with the lights on. That's what EVERY author wants to do. I have a voice, and can't find a stage to sing on. I feel like, dare I say, Linkin Park's "Nobody's Listening". 
But you don't care. You, my dear, dear friend, want to read a story that involves jumping out of helicopters and mountain climbing and snowboarding. You want to read some heroic story, don't you? Well, I always did like villains better, so I'll play badguy today, eh?

I don't like Justin Beiber, Lady GaGa,  OR Twilight. I've only read 1 Harry Potter book in my life.

Do I have your attention now? Oh, so I do. Let me explain WHY. And then, let me ask you something.

1. I don't like any boy bands:
Oh, boybands. The very genre makes my stomach churn and my ears bleed. Poor Justin, I feel sorry for him. I really do. He's okay, for having to put up with the fact half the world thinks he's a girl and the other half wants to drag him into a hotel room. I forced myself to listen to "Boyfriend" for this post. I'm so thankful he doesn't sound squeaky in that one. I don't care for the generic lyrics and the whole thing reminds me of bad pickup lines. If a boy walked up to me, said something like that, I would probably laugh in his face. But I'm a horrible person, you should know. It's not that I hate him, but I don't care. I honestly don't care about anything the boy sings.

As for Lady GaGa..
Despite the crazy fashion sense, she's not that bad. She just happens to fall in the same category as Britney Spears, Porcelain and the Tramps, and Ke$ha. 
Behold, the blond party girl.
Yup. That's it. That's Lady G in a nutshell. While I like the catchy stuck-in-my-head-all-day-long-ness, the fact it's pretty fun to dance to, she fails to give me something I haven't heard before. Besides, it's not like I can listen to any of her songs without looking up every 3 seconds to make sure my parents aren't listening to "Love Game" and "Poker Face"

2. I liked vampires BEFORE Twilight
Really, I did. Go check out Amelia Atwater-Rhodes' series. It's got girls falling for vampires.
But they weren't nice. Oh NO. Aubrey, Nathaniel and Jaguar were dangerous, would kill you in your sleep, and didn't sparkle. The plot-twists will keep you guessing, the main characters have you cheering, and you'll lose sleep to keep turning pages.
As for Twilight?
Well, the idea isn't that bad. It's certainly not new. AAR up there had her series long before Meyers came on the scene. 
I just don't like Bella Swan. She complained too much. She couldn't do anything. She was boring. And fiction should never be boring. 
Maybe if Bella had been a daredevil, or a swimsuit model, or if she was a loudmouth, the story would've been different. I have to say, Edward Cullen freaks me out. Watch you while you sleep? Uh...HELLO. Get out of my room! I liked Jacob for a long time...until I found out he fell in love with the BABY.

3. Harry Potter?
Maybe later. I've read one book. The last movie I saw was Prisoner of Eskaban. I think I've just heard so much about it, that the whole thing has been spoiled for me.

Now I have a question for you.
What mainstream thing do you dislike?
Come on! You know you've got one! Do you think that Marvel should kill of Wolverine? Do you think manga/anime is overrated? Didn't like the Hunger Games?
Spill it!


  1. I don't like Iron Man. Tony Stark is an arrogant jerk with an ego the size of Texas and Alaska combined! Sure, he helps save the world, but come on! Eat a little humble pie, would you, Mr. Stark?

    1. Humble it. I wonder who would be serving it to him?

    2. Perhaps Captain America, considering he's pretty humble, and they didn't exactly see eye-to-eye when they first met. They still don't, really, but they're on decent terms now.
