Music Spotlight

"Group 1 Crew"

Group 1 Crew is my newest obsession. The songs are catchy, happy and up-beat. I usually don't like hip-hop, but these guys rap for God, so I just gotta love it. I like how the girl and the guy go back and forth. Go check em out! You'll have "I Have A Dream" stuck in your head, but it's worth it.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

My Golden Fluffy Monster

This is my dog, Duke. I have the wonderful honor of being his human. 
And before you ask, why yes, he did get part of my lunch. What can I say? I'm a softie. I probably wasn't going to eat those vegetables anyway...

Duke deserves his own blog post. 

All animals are angels, really. There's a lot they teach us. They love unconditionally, they forgive without hesitation, and they're loyal to the bone. They make us laugh. They care about us. They keep our secrets.

Duke is part American, part British Golden Retriever. Meaning if he could talk, it'd be with an accent. Brit Retrievers usually are beefier than American ones, explaining why Duke is massive in the chest and ranks around 120 pounds. (I'm sure he'd be thrilled that I announced his weight to the entire world)

 Duke is a happy golden fluffy monster, except when my family leaves. This is him pouting on my little sister's bed. I've had him for about 2 years now. It's amazing how human dogs can be and how they can communicate with us. I know when he's hungry, when he needs to go outside. He knows when I'm busy and when I want to cuddle. I can't sleep without having my dog on my bed. I've even resorted to bribing him with his favorite snack food, Cheetos, to get him to stay on my bed. 

As a writer and an artist, I can't help but wonder what Duke's story would look like. If he could talk, what would he say? How would he say it? 

Sometimes I wish my dog could talk, and other times, I'm thankful he can't.

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